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The time it takes for you to complete an accredited online bachelors degree from UCF depends on several factors. These factors include the number of credit hours already obtained, FTIC first semester restriction, and the number of credit hours you choose to take per semester.

There are two path to becoming a UCF Online bachelor’s student: enter as a first time in college (FTIC) student or transfer from an accredited institution. A FTIC student’s first semester enrollment is limited to part time to assure students’ academic success. This restriction will impact the time to completion.

Those transferring in will already have some credit towards a bachelor’s degree. The number of credits you transfer will impact how quickly you can finish a fully online degree. Even then, there are several scenarios that could impact that speed.

It is recommended that, if possible, full-time students aim to take 30 credit hours a year to graduate on time. A student is considered full-time if they take 12 or more credit hours a semester. According to , there are cost savings benefits and additional earning potentials to graduating on-time.  If you’re transferring with an associate’s degree completed and able to commit to 30 credits a year, you can complete any of our online bachelor degrees in as little as two years.

Not everyone is able or willing to commit to 30 credit hours a year and that’s ok! In fact, the majority of UCF Online students are considered half-time or less (8 or fewer credit hours per semester). A full can be found on the registrar’s enrollment verification page. At exactly half time (15-credit hours per year), transfers with an associate’s degree can complete an online degree in as little as four years.